Meet The Team
Trinity Tuition tutors are practicing teachers
All teaching staff at Trinity Tuition are practicing teachers in schools. Unlike other tutors who may have retired from their full-time teaching post, our team consists of people who are up to date with the latest changes in the national curriculum and who share a passion for teaching.
Furthermore, we are also parents with children who are either in primary or secondary school. We understand what your children experience in school; so let us help him or her succeed to achieve his or her full potential.
All our teaching staff are DBS certified in their respective schools.
Meet The Team
Trinity Tuition tutors are practicing teachers
All teaching staff at Trinity Tuition are practicing teachers in schools. Unlike other tutors who may have retired from their full-time teaching post, our team consists of people who are up to date with the latest changes in the national curriculum and whom share a passion for teaching.
Furthermore, we are also parents with children who are either in primary or secondary school. We understand what your children experience in school; so let us help him or her succeed to achieve his or her full potential.
All our teaching staff are DBS certified in their respective schools.
Founder and director of Trinity Tuition, Jerome is an experienced teacher of mathematics who has been consistently judged outstanding by Ofsted. His passion to see students succeed is infectious. As well as working full-time in a local secondary school, Jerome works as an examiner for one of the leading examination boards. This gives him an insight into the expectations of the GCSE exams – this he puts to good use by preparing students well for their exams.
Jerome is a keen cyclist and has taken part in numerous races, including the Tour de Tendring, Prudential Ride London 100 and London to Brighton.
More than 10 years experience teaching GCSE Science. Penny specialises in Biology but she has taught all the three sciences.
DR. PHILIP ASH (Science)
Specialises in Chemistry - retired teacher after more than 30years teaching which included a spell as a lecturer at the University of Essex.
Kerry has an engaging style of teaching along with an outstanding attention to detail. Having taught in various schools with different exam boards, she is familiar with the requirements of the various boards and therefore is able to adapt the content of lessons to ensure that the needs of individual students are met.
TOM RAFTER (English)
Tom is highly experienced teacher who has taught across schools in London and Essex. He has an outstanding track record of success in GCSE exams and always has high expectations of students.
ISOBEL EDWARDS (Teaching Assistant)
Having being a student with Trinity Tuition and secured a grade 8 in mathematics, Isobel is now studying A-Level Mathematics. She has a great rapport with students and is always able to support them having gone through the same journey not long ago.
HOPE KEDIAN (Teaching Assistant)
Hope is a bright spark who secured a grade 9 in her GCSE Mathematics, Science and English. She was applauded for having 100% marks in her Biology exam. Hope works as a teaching assistant in both our mathematics and science GCSE classes. She is also studying Chemistry, Biology and Mathematics at A-Level.
Register Your Child
Help your child achieve their full potential in
English, Mathematics and Science (Biology, Chemistry, Physics)